Using Your Entire Body

Why take only half your body for a walk?

Now, you can just schlep your walking poles around – that’s just carrying or dragging them or flicking them forward so you’re not able to properly plant them to pull back-on or push-off of – and you will still be getting more than if you were walking without Poles.

Or, you could learn to ‘really’ use your Walking Poles. Use them so that each step you make takes advantage of your whole body helping you to engage double the muscles!

Why not minimize your efforts while you maximizing your results?

We Breathe Better, Walk Faster & Further and Feel Great!

The CHIP (Coronary Health Improvement Project) Program recognizes that sustained, regular exercise is a huge factor in maintaining a healthy... View Article


We Breathe Better, Walk Faster & Further and Feel Great!

The CHIP (Coronary Health Improvement Project) Program recognizes that sustained, regular exercise is a huge factor in maintaining a healthy body – probably as important or more than the food we eat.

Walking is one of the safest forms of exercise and we were extremely please to have Sheri Simson come and demonstrate the Keenfit Walking Poles. Sheri is a very popular presenter at our CHIP programs. She is an enthusiastic and high energy, vibrant person who inspires you to exercise.

Some of the comments made by participants who purchased and used the Walking Poles as a result of her presentations were: “They’re wonderful. We get an upper body workout now.” “We breathe better, walk faster and further and feel great.”

I personally will not walk unless I have the Walking Poles. Walking with the Poles helps build my biceps and shoulder area muscles and expands my chest breathing capacity. The benefits are wonderful! I highly recommend the Keenfit Walking Poles as a definite complement to a healthier life style.

Larry, DDS, MPH – Kelowna CHIP Director KelownaBritish Columbia – CA