Pole Walking

Ex-Boxer Speaks Out about Walking Poles

When I was 10, my dad took me to a fight club to learn how to box. Running long distance... View Article


Ex-Boxer Speaks Out about Walking Poles

When I was 10, my dad took me to a fight club to learn how to box. Running long distance became a part of my “ roadwork routine”.

In the wintertime, I would often take ski poles with me on my runs to “power” up the hills. I was generally in better shape than the other kids.

Imagine my astonishment when a few years ago I heard of “Pole Walking”. I had been doing it for years and never knew it!

The Poles are much more suited to this activity, but the results in fitness are the same, and they are incredible!

To be sure, I’m slower now than in my competitive days, but I’m young for my age & Pole Walking/Pole Jogging has played a large part in that!


Frank BrightonOntario – CA