Being Strong & Fit is our Best Defense!

I don’t know many people who aren’t doing their best to abide by the long list of guidelines set out by the media & the numerous different Health Authority websites. Along with all these (mainly hygiene based) rules – some people are being forced to stay home from work (depending on their work environment) – while others are deciding on their own (if they are able) to stay-in & self-isolate in order to protect themselves. It’s one thing to keep yourself at a distance from others who may be infected & to take the time to clean & disinfect yourself & your surroundings in the hopes of protecting yourself & preventing the spreading this virus – BUT it is vital that we don’t forget to do whatever it takes to keeping ourselves healthy.

Being strong & fit is our best defense! It is a fact that, so far, the majority of people who have fallen victim to this COVID-19-illness are weaker immune individuals – only advocating the importance of being proactively responsible for keeping our immune systems up.

Not only is Pole Walking an ideal activity to accomplish this – but it is easy to do for those who either choose-to or are forced-to be isolated. Pole Walkers don’t need to go to a gym to get their total-body workout – we just have put our Poles on & get Walking. Don’t be afraid to get outside & use your Poles.

3 Reasons Why Pole Walking is one of the Safest & Smartest
Proactive things you can be doing Right Now.

1. More Germ Free – Outdoors you are breathing fresh uncirculated air – away from equipment & surfaces that have been used by others. And items that may or may not have been disinfected properly.

2. Keeps a Safe Distance – While we are outside Pole Walking with friends (that we know personally to be healthy & coronavirus free) – it is easier to distance ourselves & stay the recommended 6 feet away from possible threat.

3. Naturally Boosts Immunity – It is a scientific fact that moderate exercise boosts our immune system. One study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2011 found that the moderate exercise of walking improved immune response and reduced incidence of upper respiratory illness.

As well – Mr. James Turner, co-author of the 2018 review about exercise and immunity and also a professor of health science at the University of Bath –was quoted to say “It is safe to exercise, despite concerns about coronavirus.” He concludes “Exercise, in fact, will probably lessen the risk of an infection.”

So for those who truly want to decrease their chances of being affected by the coronavirus & increase your chances to fend it off. . .

Grab your Poles & Get out Walking!