Step 2 – Assembling Your Walking Poles

How To Set Your Walking Poles

For maximum results follow these simple 4 – Step instructions:

Setting your Walking Poles correctly is very important – it helps ensure not only comfort but also increases your ability to carry-out the techniques effectively & in-turn get better results.

Your Walking Pole Parts

STEP 1: Set & secure the height of your walking poles

A) Holding a walking pole in your left hand with the handle out to the left, grip the lower section of the pole with your right hand & rotate 1 to 2 turns to the left (towards-you) to loosen. Rule of thumb: Lefty-Loosey – Righty-Tighty.


B) Extend Lower section out to the ‘STOP’ Line (not past)



C) Standing up straight place the foot of the walking pole on the ground with your arm relaxed at your side – hold the handle of the pole & gently push the handle down until the inside angle of your elbow is at a tight 90 degree. Better to be a little less then 90 rather than more.


D) Holding the walking pole in your left hand with the handle out to the left – Grip the lower section of the pole & rotate it to the right (away-from-you) to tighten – till snug.

NOTE: If you have a “3 Section” walking pole – Tighten the lower section at Step B first and then start over again at Step A, B, C & D – using the middle section of the pole.


STEP 2: Set the correct direction of the Road Foot

E) Holding the lower section in one hand, extend the walking pole straight out in front of you with the foot closest to you & the strap hanging down. Looking down the shaft of the pole take hold of the road foot & twist it until the toe of the foot is facing down.



STEP 3: Set and secure the second walking pole

Following steps 1 A & B. Skip step C by pulling the pole out to the same number noted on the pole ruler of the first pole. Then do step D, followed by step 2 to set the correct direction of the road foot.

STEP 4: Adjust and set the palm straps

F) Holding the lower section in one hand, extend the walking pole straight out in front of you with the foot closest to you & the strap hanging down. Looking down the shaft of the pole take hold of the road foot & twist it until the toe of the foot is facing down.


* Rule of Thumb Strap should sit on the heel of your hand, not tight around your wrist – keeping the Strap Cord between your thumb & forefinger.


G) Fasten Palm Strap first identify the right & left straps.



H) As you undo the Velcro, slide your whole-hand in through the strap – placing your palm on the wide part of the strap take hold & grip the cork handle – keeping the Strap Cord between your thumb & forefinger.


I) Using the opposite hand refasten the strap across the back of your hand, securing the Velcro where comfortable.

* See above Rule of thumb.

Working through the Geek Factor

I loved walking even before I got my Keenfit Poles. After seeing Sheri’s demonstration and having an opportunity to try... View Article


Working through the Geek Factor

I loved walking even before I got my Keenfit Poles. After seeing Sheri’s demonstration and having an opportunity to try them out, they were on my wish list for Christmas. I was lucky as my boyfriend at the time bought them for me that Christmas.

When I first started walking with them I couldn’t stop laughing at myself, I had a difficult time get my arms and legs co-ordinated and OMG I horrified as I was out in public and everyone could see me! In no time at all though I had it mastered.

I certainly could tell the difference walking with the Poles and could feel I was working the upper body. We walked the same distance we usually did and felt the difference. I knew I had burned more calories and was enhancing my cardio workout.

The additional bonus was whenever I went walking with a friend and they would try my Poles I got to watch them get try to get their steps coordinated. There was times we had to stop we were laughing so hard! We had so much fun together, laughing and I enjoyed teaching them how to Pole Walk!


Lorrie – age 44
PentictonBritish Columbia – CA